Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Emily's First Dentist Appointment

Not a happy camper...

Trying the mirror out on Pooh

Brushing her teeth for Dr. Michelle

We scheduled an appointment with Dr. Michelle Edwards for Emily's first dentist/ cleaning appointment (Thank you Fallyn & Amber for the referral). She was a little nervous about going..probably a little in thanks to Jon & Kate's first dental episode. Once she got there she had no problem playing in the cute toy room and everyone was Soooo very nice.
I am happy to report that she has no cavities but she didn't let them clean her teeth so we will be going back in December when she gets a little older. Dr. Michelle showed me how to properly brush her teeth and did let me know that she has somewhat of a crossbite thanks to her binky. So..when she is 6 she will have to wear a butterfly at the roof of her mouth for 3 months to align the teeth back on track. All in all it wasn't that bad of news..I expected binky troubles. Emily was happy to pick a prize out of the treasure chest and hopefully next time will be better!

1 comment:

The Ranek Family said...

I am so glad you liked Dr. Michelle! Im always a little nervous that someone else wont have the same experience as me! The girls are getting so big, so fast!