Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Build-A-Bear Birthday Trip

Meet Kylee...the rainbow bear
Usually, if we go to Build-A-Bear we take Panda and get her a new outfit and Emily is totally okay with that. But....I promised her that when it got close to her Birthday we would go in and build a new bear for her Birthday. Since we were already at the Mall for pics we just went ahead and did it today. She totally picked out her own bear even though I liked another better (LOL). Matthew helped her pick out a matching outfit, she picked the shoes, and she picked out a Birthday Song sound for his right foot. It was so fun watching her in there today "shopping" and making and bathing her bear. She named her Kylee. I have no idea where she got that from and Matthew spelled it for her. So Meet Kylee...our newest addition!

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