Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Emily's Birthday with Friends @ the Spray Park

I had a small party at the Spray Park for Emily, Kalie, and my babysitting kiddos. I wanted them to be able to help celebrate Emily's 3rd Birthday with us and have their Mommy's join in on one of their days off. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best of weather for it but they didn't notice the rain much! I stuck with her Backyardigans theme and made cupcakes, brought fruit and snackies, and Matthew delivered pizzas for us from Cool River for lunch. She loved all of her cool gifts but most of all spending the time playing outside of our house with her favorite friends. Thanks everyone for coming and Thank you Makenzie Broaddus for being my right hand man..I mean "girl"!!!

p.s. Today here at Inlow Park definately reminded me of her first Birthday party celebration....here! Same weather...different year!

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