Friday, June 12, 2009

First Trim...Bye, Bye Baby Hair!

One more look at it......

The after shot....

Since we did Emily's 3 year pics this past week, I decided that it was time for her first trim to get rid of the baby hair that goes into a "V" shape down her back. Her hair has never even had the smallest trim. I am ready to watch it thicken up now.....

She protested about getting it cut but once we got there she was okay with it. I promised her it wouldn't be short but it would be healthy and grow longer and thicker. It cracks me up that her new thing is that things look like a boy (certain colors to wear and of course, short hair). Silly girl!

She chose to sit in the police car and picked out a Dora movie to watch. Her favorite thing was playing on the slide after it was all over. This was just one more step in the direction of my baby turning into a big girl...Awwww! I have a nice little piggy tail locket of the hair to save for her...

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Looks good! She is having lots of fun getting ready for her big 3rd Birthday!!!