Saturday, June 6, 2009

Matthew's Grad Party

Matthew, his Mom Tracy, & brother Daniel

Us...The Gamble Family

Matthew's Grad Party was a great turn-out. We literally had people that started coming at 3:30 and others that didn't leave here until after 10:00. It was an exhausting but fun day! I thank Mother Nature for giving us great weather so we could basically have the party outside. The kids had a blast and it wasn't too warm for the parents to sit out either. We took lots of pics so there is no way I can put them all on here so I stuck to just the pics with the parents and siblings. Anyone that walked in my door had to abide by 2 rules. Get a pic with Matthew upon leaving...and eat a piece of cake. Not everyone did the cake rule but everyone that attended had a pic taken with Matthew. If you would like to see the rest of the pics I have posted them on my Facebook and My Space account. Thank You Everyone and thank you Shirley for the banner and wonderful poster boards!!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Looks like a great celebration for the big grad! Congrats Matthew! Wishing you all the best in the future!!!