Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday Dallas!!

My little ornery thing.....

Today we celebrated Dallas's 7th Birthday at The Greenfield Bowling Alley with a Star Wars Theme. He and Luke actually share the exact same Birthday but they had their parties on different days so everyone can do both boys events. This was the first time Emily has ever been bowling. She has watched others from her stroller when she was younger but obviously wasn't old enough to participate. She really seemed to enjoy it!

Dallas got alot of cool Star Wars toys (imagine that) but I never get good pics of him. He is not and never has been to into the camera thing. We were also pleasantly surprised at how good the bowling alley pizza was.....

Happy Birthday Dallas....we'll never forget the 4th of July that your Momma got to bring you home after you gave us such a scare with your birth!!! We Love You!!!! May The Force Be With You........:-)

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