Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cupcake Party in Zionsville

Sooo many toppings..who can decide???

Allison had told us about a cupcake party happening at Ballerinas and Bruisers in downtown Zionsville today. I thought that since today was Emily's actual Birthday and her family party wasn't until tomorrow, it would be something fun for her to go do on her special day. Everyone knows that cupcakes and cake are here favorite foods!
We met Allison & Bella and her good friend Angie and Addie there. The girls made their own cupcakes, got face paintings, and played in the garden..including the fountain filled with balloons! What a nice thing to do on your birthday!
It was sooo funny that my daughter had told everyone that she had a cupcake party. She actually thought it was in honor of her birthday! Too Cute!

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