Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Rental RV

Emily had a tough time getting used to sleeping in the pack n play in the RV. After the first night, Matthew decided to sleep in the room on one of the bunk beds next to Emily. That seemed to work out better. She wouldn't even lay in the bed with Mike & I to sleep. So, We just let her stay up late everynight and get really tired before we put her to bed. After bath..she even enjoyed a Backyardagain DVD on Daddy's portable player. She sat in her booster and propped it up on the cooler!

The best pic was when I was trying to change her clothes from the water park..she decided she had to have a bowel movement but didn't want us to see her. So...she went in the bathroom and stood by the toilet to go in privacy! I tried to get her to get on the toilet but she is still adamant that she doesn't want to!

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