Saturday, July 5, 2008

Getting Ready to go out for the 4th

Well since lastnight was a late night at Ryan & Brandi's (almost 11:30 when we got to bed) and the rain Carmel got this morning, I decided to let Emily sleep in and pass on the parade this morning. I figure there is always next year. No need to take a tired and cranky toddler anyway.
We did get ready later and headed out for the CarmelFest after Emily had her nap. We dressed up for the 4th with our red, white, and blue and I even painted her toes blue. Thanks Mamaw Cathy for the dress and Mamaw Fleta for the jewelry!
Happy 4th of July we hope everyone had a nice holiday!!!!
p.s. Emily cracks me up with her new "cheese" face in the second photo

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Such cute girl with all your 4th of July gear on!