Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fun Day with Fallyn

Usually on Wednesdays I have both Bella and Fallyn but today only Fallyn was here. We have Bella on Mondays one on one but its not very often Fallyn is here by herself. So..since I get to take Bella & Emily to the park once in awhile, we used this opportunity to get to take Fallyn. Its too hard to have my eyes on all 3 so I stick to taking two at a time. After the park the girls had lunch and nap and was surprised to see that Matthew set-up the new sprinkler and splash mat that Emily didn't get to use at her birthday party. Fallyn wasn't to sure about the sprinkler but loved the mat. She did however let Matthew hold her and run thru the spinklers. What a fun day they had and lets not forget eating popsickles....look at their cute faces! After Fallyn's mommy picked her up, Emily persuaded her brother to get in and play ring around the rosey with her. What a good big brother to spend some of his day off with her!

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