Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Last Week @ Miss Stephanie's

I thought that since I share how much fun we have with our babysitting kids here on Mondays and Wednesdays, that I would share some pics of Emily at Miss Stephanie's and Maya's. She loves going to play when I have the opportunity to work. Last week I worked on Thursday and Friday while Patty took a few days off. Miss Stephanie had a ocean/beach theme. We tried to dress accordingly for fun. It turned out that Maya and Emily were dressed alike on Friday. She has a blast there! I crave your energy Stephanie!!! I think I do well for 2 days but 5 a week..WOW! Thanks for all of the fun and the pictures to share!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love checking out your blog Jenny! The pics are great and I love seeing the ones of Emily here at daycare. :-D Looks like you have an adorable group too! Emily is lucky to have such a big group of friends!