Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Head "Injury"

Well Emily finally did it! Running, running, running thru the house. She was soooo excited that it was Wednesday and her friends were coming over to play! Just as Fallyn arrived, she decided to take off running down the hall into her bedroom and tripped on her flower rug and landed right into the corner of her dresser. This at 25 months is the first fall she's had and hit her head. It looks much worse than you can tell in the picture because you can't really see all the blue puffiness around it. Don't worry it didn't phase her she kept trying to still run around ALL day! As a matter of fact, she wouldn't even take a nap today!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

We hope your boo boo is ok and you are having a nice weekend!