Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cook-out @ Our House

After the neighborhood parade, we caught up on some much needed rest around the house. At the last minute Kim and I decided that we hadn't had any Gamble barbecued chicken legs and thighs since Lou was here doing them. So in his honor this year and our cravings taking control..we decided to give it a shot ourselves. To our surprise they turned out great! She and Stephanie stayed till almost 10:00 and we had a nice low key barbecue with just us. Matthew also got home from work in time to eat and visit. Mike had the motorcycle out charging the battery and Matthew got on in dreamland. Sorry Matthew......but you can't have it.. I prefer not to see anyone of my kids on one of those things (running)!
As you can tell from looking at the picture of Stephanie and Emily...she does look like a Gamble. Some of their baby pictures are really hard to tell apart. I also let them take a pic of me since everyone thinks I am allergic to the camera. Kim wouldn't let us get her though!

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