Sunday, July 13, 2008

Meet & Greet @ Miss Stephanie's

Tonight we had a pizza/pitch- in dinner at Miss Stephanies. She thought it would be a good idea for all the parents to have a chance to meet and get to know each other since all of our kids play together while we work. Instead of having her once a month Parent Night Out..we did this instead. It was to also give us a chance to see how our little ones interact at her house and see what some of the things are their favorites to do. Emily seemed to enjoy her sand table and the swing the most outside..and inside in the basement she loved the big slide and the drums. Even though Emily only goes 2-3 Fridays a month and is very part-time, I couldn't ask for a better place for her to stay. Thanks alot Stephanie for all the love and lets not forget teaching structure you provide to our little ones! Emily has such a blast at your house..and we have already framed 2 of your VERY nice crafts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! I am so happy you guys were able to come! Emily is such a sweetie and we love having her come and play with us! Great pics! :-)