Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Magnificent Monday!

Since we are going to Holiday World and camping this Wednesday, I had everyone on Monday this week. Colton also came over because his sitter needed the day off. It was a nice, busy, and fun day for the kids. Colton comes early, so he and Emily played together alone for a few hours before the girls got here. Emily showed him her new kitchen and tried dressing him in her sunglasses and jewelry (sorry Jeromy).

We had both of our snacks outside on the porch and played with the bubble maker and colored out there ... including my windows(with window markers)! After nap, we striped down to diapers and had popsicles and water table fun out in the yard. I also sprayed whipped cream on the table and the kids had a blast playing in that. Fallyn wasn't to sure at first....but decided it was funny!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

What a day....looks busy but thanks again for all the fun!
Have a fun trip!