Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday Peyton Malone!!! I feel really bad that I didn't get many pictures from my brother Ryan's house. My battery went dead and quite honestly we were having such a fun time visiting with family I hadn't really noticed. I didn't even get one of the Birthday boy, but he was too busy playing anyway. Brandi made a mexican feast and we can see the Beechgrove fireworks very well from their house. Emily enjoyed playing with cousin Sophia and Ava. This was her actual first time ever seeing fireworks or even holding a sparkler by herself. I have to say that she was most occupied with Sophia's lawnmower and the go cart in the garage. What can I say she has Maxwell blood in her. Wonder if she plans to race drag cars at IRP like Papaw Mike and Uncle Jason?

Thanks for a great time and good food as always and Happy Birthday Peyton! What an awesome turn out for a 5 hour notice. Too bad Kings Island was postponed due to the weather but the last minute party turned out great anyway!

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