Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Big "60" Dad!!

Tonight my brothers and sister-in-laws and all their kids came over to celebrate my Dad's 60th Birthday! It was a late night for the little ones but it was a nice evening. We did pizza's, a nice big salad, and had ice cream cake. Of course, Mike and Nikki made my Dad's all time favorites with my vitamix (Fresh Fruit Margaritas).

Mamaw Cathy took the little girls over to the park and the rest of the other older boys played basketball at the school most of the night.

Thanks everyone for the memories......Happy Birthday Dad (Papaw Mike)! We Love you!


Okay not really but I had fun Monday dresssing them somewhat alike in their purple with matching hairbows and pebbles looking ponytails. Emily was sporting her "cheese" face and Bella was full of kisses for Emily. They are the closest buds and somedays you would think they were sisters the way they fight over toys and then kiss and make up!! I soak up every minute watching these girls grow up together!!

Bye, Bye, Holiday World!

Thanks again Mamaw Fleta and Papaw Jeff for the great vacation! Nikki and Jason got a pic of their family and ours on the way out. I think Shannon and the kids had already left to head over to my parents RV site.

Our Rental RV

Emily had a tough time getting used to sleeping in the pack n play in the RV. After the first night, Matthew decided to sleep in the room on one of the bunk beds next to Emily. That seemed to work out better. She wouldn't even lay in the bed with Mike & I to sleep. So, We just let her stay up late everynight and get really tired before we put her to bed. After bath..she even enjoyed a Backyardagain DVD on Daddy's portable player. She sat in her booster and propped it up on the cooler!

The best pic was when I was trying to change her clothes from the water park..she decided she had to have a bowel movement but didn't want us to see her. So...she went in the bathroom and stood by the toilet to go in privacy! I tried to get her to get on the toilet but she is still adamant that she doesn't want to!

Campground Fun

In my opinion...the best part of the whole trip is the time we spend around the camp. The kids liked making smores and riding in the golf cart at night. Emily even gor to take down some popsicles since Mamaw put them in her Rv freezer before they left to meet us all down there. Here are a few of my favorite pics. Gotta love the first one that Nikki took of Emily giving her the morning don't mess with me look! Ha Ha!

Splash N Safari

Here are some pics from Splash N Safari. There aren't many because it is hard enough to keep up with a 2 year old near the water. LOL
In addition to the spray/sprinkler area..Emily loved the wave pool that Papaw Jeff keep taken her over too! Any one that knows Emily, knows that this was her favorite part of the whole trip.
Of course, we didn't see Matthew or the bigger kids much because there were tons of neat slides and things to do for their age groups.

Holiday World Family Trip 2008

Last Week my extended family including my Mom, Jeff, and siblings with their kids went on our annual 3 night/4 day camping-Holiday World Trip. We spent two days at Holiday World and the kids had a blast. One day was pretty much Splash N Safari with rides in the evening. We stayed at the Rudolph Camp Grounds in rental rv's and took a shuttle over to the amusument park everyday. In the evening we cooked our food on the grill together and hung out at the campground, rode the golf carts around, or went fishing, or to the park. It was a nice relaxing trip that I look forward to every year! Thanks Mom & Jeff for making this trip happen!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Sis (Aunt Shannon)

We hope you had a special day and I am glad that we got to celebrate with you and the kids on our family trip.....Emily says Luvs you Aunt Shannon! be 28 again!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Fabulous Four

Okay, I figured since all of my favorite little ones were all together today...I would TRY to get a picture of all of us together before Matthew headed out to work. After several tries this is all we got . LOL
As you can see, Fallyn and Emily were more into their conversation than a picture session and I was trying to hold down Colton and Bella. Oh well! That's it...the Fabulous Four plus Me

Magnificent Monday!

Since we are going to Holiday World and camping this Wednesday, I had everyone on Monday this week. Colton also came over because his sitter needed the day off. It was a nice, busy, and fun day for the kids. Colton comes early, so he and Emily played together alone for a few hours before the girls got here. Emily showed him her new kitchen and tried dressing him in her sunglasses and jewelry (sorry Jeromy).

We had both of our snacks outside on the porch and played with the bubble maker and colored out there ... including my windows(with window markers)! After nap, we striped down to diapers and had popsicles and water table fun out in the yard. I also sprayed whipped cream on the table and the kids had a blast playing in that. Fallyn wasn't to sure at first....but decided it was funny!

Last Week @ Miss Stephanie's

I thought that since I share how much fun we have with our babysitting kids here on Mondays and Wednesdays, that I would share some pics of Emily at Miss Stephanie's and Maya's. She loves going to play when I have the opportunity to work. Last week I worked on Thursday and Friday while Patty took a few days off. Miss Stephanie had a ocean/beach theme. We tried to dress accordingly for fun. It turned out that Maya and Emily were dressed alike on Friday. She has a blast there! I crave your energy Stephanie!!! I think I do well for 2 days but 5 a week..WOW! Thanks for all of the fun and the pictures to share!