Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Just a little nickle & dime poker :)

Emily & Ava doing art stuff in Olivia's Room

Catching some of the boys at dessert

The girls putting on a show for us!

Emily & James enjoying the drumset

Once again not too many pics were taken on Thanksgiving Day. We were having too much fun to bother with the camera. I am hating that I didnt even get a pic of our lovely host Brandi though. She really put out a LOVELY dinner. I can't even begin to name the spread she made....everything from mac & cheese, green bean & broccoli casseroles, dumplings, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, some kind of awesome vegetarian rice dish, and her Robert Redford dessert along with many other pies! YUMMY! Thanks for the awesome day of memories!

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