Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

I had no plans of venturing out this year for Black Friday. One reason is that besides of a couple of parents gifts...I am done! I really haven't shopped on this day for a long time. Normally we would be getting our Christmas stuff out today but my hubby is laying carpet in the new playroom. distract Emily's attention away from him, we decided to head out and see what the Mall was like. Emily has really been wanting to get the new Rapunzel doll but Mommy was going to get it for her for Christmas. Well.....we got her today with a 20% off coupon and stood in a very large long in Disney. I guess this is one way to pass the time :( The pretzel line for Auntie Anne's was almost just as bad. But we waited for my buy one get one free pretzel coupon! LOL Oh well....Emily's first shopping experience on black Friday!

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