Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dinner at The Coster's

A happy boy to see me!

Messy boy!

We haven't seen the boys in awhile so it was nice that Emily & I were able to go over to the Coster's after school today and play with them. Heather had also invited us to stay for dinner. She made some yummy veggie spaghetti and we brought the bread. It was funny to see how excited Dylan was to see me. He kept coming over to me off and on all night for some love! I definitely miss seeing the boys on a regular basis but enjoy the times we still get too! Not too mention it was nice to have one on one time with Heather to sit and have girl talk. Jeromy was out of town and Mike also had other plans, so it was a perfect night for girl talk while the kiddos played :)

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