Friday, November 26, 2010

Colt's Themed Playroom "Done"!

Well our playroom.... A.K.A - Matthew's old room :( is now finally done! This project took a little longer because Mike decided to use the opportunity to put some long overdue duct work in. He had to get under the house thru a hole that he cut out in this floor and install all the "stuff" that's way over my head. Plus he had to cut some new registers in all the back bedrooms. This is basically what was holding up the playroom. But now it's complete with blue & white walls and blue carpet. The only thing missing is all the toys and some Colts stuff on the walls. Well and some curtains once I figure out what I want to do with the window :) Some day when all the toys are gone...this will be Dad's "Mancave" with a couch, flat screen and maybe air hockey table :) But for now we are excited about this for the kiddos and I am loving all the new shelving that just opened up to sort craft stuff, puzzles, playdoh, etc!

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