Friday, June 18, 2010

Swimming One More Time & Headed Home

Daddy's with their girls...

Heading back to shore :(

Getting a snack in first!

All the girls in one car being silly!

Well the day must come to an end as we were approaching 5:00. We still had to get the boat to the dock and drive home before the girls were wanting dinner. Of course, they claimed they had to pee again just so they could get back in the water. LOL last stop to swim and then we are heading back to the Allen's house! Ironically, Jen & I thought as tired as the girls were that they would totally pass out and sleep on the way home...NOPE not even a tiny bit of shut eye!! So we played around and acted silly with them as they chatted all the way home.
Thank you guys for a wonderful day. We had a blast with you as always. Emily will always remember this as her first boat ride :)

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