Sunday, June 20, 2010

Emily's "Real" Birthday morning..shared with Daddy on Father's Day

Daddy's new Eco bird feeder to replace our rotted wood one

Helping Daddy open his Fathers Day gifts
"Dad's Popcorn Bowl" is what it reads with all the fixins inside

Daddy had told Emily before she went to bed lastnight that he had saved a special surprise gift for her for her "real" birthday. She of course did not forget that when she woke up this morning. She didn't want breakfast only to see her gift. So.....he lead out back at 9:00 a.m. to her already set-up gift (Pirate Ship Water table). They played out there for over an hour, watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the porch, opened Daddy's gifts, and he even got to have coffee and read the newspaper outside while she played. I think they had an awesome morning!

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