Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Emily's 4 Year "Well Check"

This morning we had Emily's 4 year well-check. Everything was great from nose, throat, lungs (no wheezing) , heart.....but the right ear has the tube pushing out. As a matter of fact she wasn't really sure that any of it was sitting in the ear canal in a helpful position for ear infections :( Hopefully, we don't start having issues again! I know I should feel very fortunate because these tubes lasted 2 years and 3 weeks. If that wasn't enough to throw me a little...I had no idea she was going to need shots. I am not sure why I didnt think of that because we haven't had any for awhile and that did not go over well with Emily. It took Daddy to hold her legs, Mommy her head, a nurse held her arms around me, and another nurse to do the shots. Geesh....sure glad we don't need anymore for a year (well...except the flu shot)!
Emily was .....30 1/2 pounds = 12th percentile
38 inches = 15th percentile
Dr. Leedy said those stats are excellent for her growing curve and are actually a little above last time. But...yes folks she may be short like her Momma! LOL

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Hopefully those infections stay away! Perfect stats for cutie! Thanks for the heads up on the shots! :)