Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Made it to the Zoo to "Meet" the Cheetahs!

Trying to see the Polar Bear from Matthew's shoulders

Help SHARK!!!! LOL

Emily & Kalie

It was another beautiful day in Indy and I have my niece Makenzie staying with us for a few days, so off to the Zoo we go! I have been wanting to go see the Cheetahs since they have arrived and go into the Gardens to look at all of the beautiful butterflies. We made those things our first priorities since the zoo was packed! Matthew & Liz had the day off and came out to meet up with us and so did my cousin Jolie, Kalie, and 2 of her babysitting kiddos. Great afternoon! Everyone rode the carousel and the roller coaster except Emily. She chickened out in line! LOL

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