Friday, June 25, 2010

Bye..Bye ..Binky :(

Actually I am kind of embarrassed to write this blog entry. Emily has still had her binky in her bed for night time and naptime. ONLY in her bed is she aloud to have it. We don't take it to school or take it to friends or even have it anywhere else in the house... but it is WAY overdue for it to go. The problem is that she absolutely loves it as much as she still loves her pooh lovey. It is almost like they go hand in hand together. I guess the truth is that I really didn't want to fight this battle with her and lots of people told me that she would just give it up on her own. Well sorry folks that is NOT the case for all kids because she was still no where near wanting to do this. So finally as her teeth are paying the price of this addiction, we had to say enough was enough and call it quits. We put a date on the calendar when I knew the household would be "normal" for that week. Meaning parties and holidays over for awhile or atleast a week :) and prepped her for it for several weeks. It was sad when the evening came. She was pretty much using the same purple binky for the last year but there were an extra 11 in the drawer. So we gathered them all up and she kissed them all before putting them in a ziplock bag and pronounced how much she loved them....and off we put them in the closet and climbed into bed. She wants to keep them at the top of her closet in case she wants to look at them.
We were pleasantly surprised that we only had one rough hour ( she needs it, I cant sleep, please Mommy I will give it up at Christmas, etc) and then she awoke a few times forgetfully looking around her bed for it but pretty much slept thru the night. I think we will be okay! First night down ..all uphill from now! Another milestone passed to prove to me that I no longer have a baby anymore..kind of sad folks especially since I know for us there will be no more :(

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Way to go, Emily!It is hard to watch our little girls grow up! :(