Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Zoopolis 2010

Got Milk??

Hi Tony, Buttercup, and the Dairy Princess

Ready , Set, GO!

and the winner is Alex..with Scott in second!


Found a friend from Jr Preschool in the stands!

Had to cool off a bit afterwards!

The Indianapolis Zoo joins in the 500 fun with their 39th Annual Zoopolis 500, presented by the American Dairy Association. The flag drops at 11:30 am at the Indianapolis Zoo with Tony Kanaan, serving as Grand Marshall for this year's Zoopolis 500!

Alex," the winning tortoise in this year's Zoopolis 500, crosses the finish line where plates of fresh fruit and vegetables await him and his seven slower contenders. The race was between eight radiated tortoises, all born at the zoo and 20-to-25 years of age. The tortoises were named after the top seven qualifying drivers and the top rookie qualifier for the Indianapolis 500. Wednesday's top two tortoise finishers in the Zoopolis 500 were Alex and Scott (Scott Dixon). The race is an annual event during the week leading up to the Indianapolis 500, which will be held Sunday, May 30.

We had a great time just like lastyear! Hopefully, we will be able to attend our 3rd year next year!

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