Friday, May 14, 2010

Last Day of Jr. Preschool

The "Green Spot" AKA..the meeting place

It has been a super fun year for the kids at jr preschool and MDO this year! We loved the teachers and the themes each week. It really kind of saddens me that it's all over because that just means one more year closer to going to real school. Which in turn means our kids are growing up :(
Emily and Fallyn absolutely love being together in class and really looked forward to "catching" up at the end of the day with Charlie & Bella after school. Unfortunately, on this last day of school we didn't get to see Bella because she had an appointment to be at before school was out so she didn't get to meet up with us at "the green spot". The kids always have to catch up a bit after school and get some energy out before we pack up and call it a day! We are super excited about all the fun we have in store for the summer with the extra days that we now have together because school is out...but I have to admit that I will be missing my 10 hours a week of doing my solo errands ! LOL
It was a great year! Thanks for everything goes to Mrs. Cindy & Mrs. Joanne!

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