Friday, May 28, 2010

Carb Day ( in the infield)

Burgers & Eggs for breakfast...these boys can eat

After we came back from the stands...this was our view

Grilling out lunch now..

Check out Matthew's massive steak! He did eat it all by himself :)

Had to move these tents so we could even get out!

Lets just say the infield was quite the party this year. I haven't seen it this wild in a long time. Not to mention all the girls that were passing out thanks to the heat and ummmm..alcohol?
Matthew grilled up breakfast and lunch and we hung out in my opinion a little too long. But...that was in thanks to all the people that put easy-ups behind their cars and didn't leave an aisle way for anyone to get out. I eventually just moved the above tents myself out of our way when the people took off to go to the free concert since they weren't really willing too.....sorry guys but we were ready to go! Hope we dont see you next year :)

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