Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Bump Day" @ The 500 Track

Too happy to be there!

Emily's new friend Olivia

Running and playing on the hill waiting on cars

The girls watching patiently for the cars to come around the track

Daddy explaining things :)

Wow there's 2 more!

I loved this pic!

Got to get one of the cars!

Staying hydrated

Tuckered out!

Daddy went to the track yesterday for Pole today was our turn for Bump Day! We decided to sit in the family section on the grassy hill so Emily could play with other kids..and "well" lets say we would also stay away from some of the crazy partying :) We packed lunch and plenty of snacks but could only endure the 88 degree weather for about 3 hours. It was a hot one out there today! We had plenty of fun and even all caught naps when we got home! This was Emily's 3rd year going to the track and now she looks forward to it just like her big brother always did and still does!

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