Monday, May 10, 2010

"Eezy Peezy"

All Done!

We had pretty much decided to NOT get a swingset for our fairly small backyard. We have an awesome park to play at across the street at the school and didn't really think that we had adequate room to put up a nice wooden playset in the backyard. BUT......Mike just happened to be at an auction a few weeks ago where they were selling this Eeezy Peezy (brand name) small swingset new in a box. I looked them up online and they sell for $250.00 brandnew and are NOT suppose to he bid on it and got it for $80.00. We figured that was a fair price and bought it for Emily and I am sure we can get our money back out of it when we are done with it! It basically has a swing, a glider, monkey bar, and a pole that you twirl on. Perfect enough for a one child family that only has friends over twice a week....She is happy with our bargain of the week and thats all that matters!
Funny sidenote: I just realized upon uploading these pics that she has on her snow boots...too funny!

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