Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tutu Party @ Nordstom's

Yummy Goodies!

Loving the make-up application

Hmmm...not too bad!

This morning we went to a Tutu Party at Nordstrom's. They had a table set-up with cupcakes, cookies, and drinks....and 2 craft tables to make a tiara and a wand! After Emily ate a snack and made her crafts she sat down and had a "make-over". She was really enjoying the lady putting make-up on her. Fallyn & her friend Ella were also there with their Mommy's having fun. The girls enjoyed playing on the props while the mom's looked around at all of the cute clothes and Tutu's. I was good....didnt buy one single thing. But...we had a great time and would definately go back for one of their fun parties!

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