Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Little Hot Chili Pepper!

Look at these peppers Mommy! Lets get a bite!

Tingling hot tongue...


Emily is such a silly girl! She is a VERY picky eater...but sometimes out of nowhere she surprises us with eating something weird.

Daddy brought home some HOT peppers from a mexican painter that he knows at his work. Need I say more...they were HOT! He decided to eat one tonight with the chili that I made. Of course, Emily said she wanted one too! To our surprise she sat there and was taking bites of it! Take a bite, take a drink, wipe her tongue with a napkin, and do the process all over again! Silly girl...finally I had to cut her off so she wouldn't make herself sick! I think she actually liked the tingling/burning sensation on her tongue......

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