Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daisy Mae Turns 6!!

Yummy ...Flying Cupcakes

Daisy Mae's new toy Emily picked out after school

Here's your Pupcake....

And here is my cupcake...chocolate just like I asked for!

Daisy Mae is 6 today! Wow how time flies even for the pups! While Emily was in school this afternoon, I ran to Three Dog Bakery to pick Daisy up a pupcake and some new spa products for her in between groomings. Since I was down that way...I ran into the flying cupcake and picked up the rest of us a gourmet cupcake. Yummy flavors and oh soooo good...but to expensive to happen more than a rare occasion. Emily also picked her own toy out to give Daisy Mae. A Halloween looking dog/witch. She had fun with Daisy's party and Daddy and Matthew made it home just in time from Florida to enjoy it too!

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