Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Tortoise Race

To mark the world famous Indy 500 motor race, Indianapolis Zoo hosts an annual tortoise race. The event marks the move of the Aldabra tortoises (Lyn and AJ) from their winter holding area to their summer home. They are the Zoos oldest animals 30 or 40 years ...I think (don't quote me).
Mike King, Chief Announcer for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Radio Network and Tony Kanaan, 2004 IRL series champion, began the pre-race commentary about the two upcoming races over the PA at 11am. Then it was on to the parade of mascots, princesses, and tortoises.
We cheered on tortoises Lyn St. James and AJ as they headed to victory lane and enjoy the fruits of their labor…literally. Win or lose, they enjoyed overflowing plates of fruits and veggies.

The tortoise race was pretty cool. We HAD excellent seats before the race began but my daughter had to get up and go to the potty so we lost our seats. Poor AJ didn't have a chance! Once Lyn spotted the fruit...she was off! You Go Girl!! This is an event that we will try to attend again!

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