Sunday, May 17, 2009

Indy 500 Track-Bump Day

We ran into my cousin Crissy & Zoe and they had Sam with them

Make a wish...

Running back up the hill to roll down again!

Bye, Bye, Race track.....

Today we decided to head out to the track for Bump Day as a family since Matthew also had the day off work. Emily has been here before but she was too young to remember.
She had a blast! I guess loving racing will be in her genes. She liked watching the cars in the stands, on the hill (and of course rolling up and down it), looking around in the Museum, throwing pennies into the fountain, but most of all......eating! I think she had something in her mouth all day. She went all day without a nap except the 20 minutes in the car on the way home around 5:00 p.m.
I can't wait to take her again next year!

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