Sunday, May 31, 2009

Celebrations after the Ceremony

My Mackey is number one!!

After Matthew was done we headed to Champps with Mom & Jeff for an early dinner late lunch. Then Dad, Cathy, and Isiah came over to spend some time with Matthew before he left for Gradfest at school since they weren't able to go eat directly after the ceremony. It was a long but happy day! I am sorry I wasn't able to get a pic of Matthew with his Mom but no one was able to see her because she had to leave before it was over. Hopefully we can get a few pics at the Open House for him...


Time to get the diploma

Turning of the Tassles...

Yeah!! Mackey graduated!!

Once again I am not to sure what the deal was with me and the camera today but these pics aren't too great either. Maybe the zoom is something I need to practice with? Anyway...he graduated and we were impressed that they made their speeches and announced 937 kids all under 2 hours. Way to go Carmel!
What a wonderful journey it has been for Matthew!! We are proud of you!!

Getting Ready for Graduation

These pics aren't that desirable but we found out 30 minutes before leaving for the Fairgrounds for Graduation that he had to immediately turn in his cap and gown so we tried to hurry and get a few. Unfortunately, many were blurry and unusable. Thankfully he will be getting one done down there that we can purchase!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Matthew's Senior Pics

Finally we were able to get Matthew do get his Senior pics done. We did them on May 19th and they were ready for pick-up in 8 days. I am very happy with the way the pictures turned out but there were sooo many good ones to pick from I still may go back again before the year is up and re-look at them. Unfortunately.....for $70.00 a sheet we were limited at this time!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bring on Summer & Keep up the Nice Weather

Emily has been over to Mamaw & Papaw Maxwell's several times the past 2 weeks while I have been busy with things with Matthew and preparing for his Graduation party. Mamaw said she loves doing her gardening, watering, and basically walking up and down the back steps when she's not bike riding with Papaw. Today the even walked over to the pond to feed the ducks. Hopefully the weather stays this nice!

Hot Rod Wednesday @ Dooley O' Tooles

Hot Rod wednesdays has started back up again now that the weather is nice. So..we headed down to Dooley's for dinner with Papaw Mike so he could put one of his cars out there that he is trying to sell. That Papaw is always selling something. :-)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Race Day 2009

Emily tried on Aunt Shannon's was hers when she was about 5!

Emily liked jumping in to Aunt Shannon

Papaw Jeff swimming with the kids

Mike and Matthew went to the Indy 500 race and we headed over to Mamaw & Papaw's to swim and grill out. Aunt Shannon and the kids were also there but everyone else had raceday plans. It was okay...we all had a great time even if we missed the others!
Note: Emily has on her PINK Indy 500 shirt that she threw a fit for at the track!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Free Spray Parks are Now Open!!

Emily pulling up her drawers!

Oh No...buttcrack! We may have to put a swim diaper on just to keep them up!

She watched bigger kids sit on these spouts she does it!

While Daddy and Matthew were working in the yard on Saturday..I thought Emily would be thrilled to see that the water was turned on at Inlow Park. Needles to say she was and she even made a little friend named Emma to play with while we were there. We played for a few hours and had a picnic lunch but we did leave on a bad note because she wouldn't stop running. I promised her time-out if she didn't stop and that wasn't working so we left and headed home for a late nap. Hopefully she learned her lesson and I will have better luck next time.

Last Day of MDO & All Class Picnic

I have been meaning to post these pics but keep forgetting...

Emily's last day at Mom's Day Out was on Friday the 15th. Thanks to Allison I was able to get a few pics of Emily that day. She has really enjoyed going to "Kool" this year and I hope she likes graduating next year to the Jr. Preschool program. She will be going two days a week for 5 hours a day. I have no doubt that she will love it! My only fear is that she wont understand why Bella is not in her class with her and Fallyn.....well and the fact that she wont be in Miss Mary's Little Lambs class!

On the following Tuesday they had an All Class picnic at West Park. We packed our lunch and went to play for awhile. She was happy she got to play with Sophia and see Miss Mary but that was all we seen from her class. Miss Mary said that 2 of her classmates Mommy's had their babies within the last 2 days.