Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning with Mommy and Daddy

The Tree on Christmas Morning

Emily's New Red Retro Kitchen

Wow...Santa remembered my Wonder Pets Flyboat

He also remembered Daddy's heated outside birdbath(imagine that!)

Emily going for Mommy's bath & body works in her stocking
even though she got some really cool stuff of her own in hers!

Emily checking out alot of her goods....(Where will we put it all!)

Emily slept until almost 9:oo..even though Mommy had been up since 7:30 patiently waiting for everyone else. LOL

Matthew spent the morning down at his Mom' s like he always has and returns home around Noon to hang with us all day at both of my parents houses. When Emily did awake, she couldn't believe her eyes. She wasn't to sure at first that she wanted to come out because she thought Santa might still be here. She says she likes him..but at a distance. Emily made out with a new kitchen, wonderpets flyboat, disney princess sleeping bag, Backyardigans pirateship tub toy and playdoh set, princess purse set, another new babydoll, new pink cd boombox (to play her music in when her friends are over), pink colts p.j.'s, new books, new Backyardigans dvd, etc.......

Mommy opened some new Colts crocs, yankee candle and reed diffuser, new cologne, red retro air popcorn maker, purple shark steam mop, etc. Daddy got alot of neat bird stuff including a gingerbread house-birdhouse, heated birdbath, etc., new jeans, hooded sweatshirt, boots, memory book of Matthew's senior year playing football. When Matthew got home he opened a new game for his xbox 360, socks & boxers, new basketball, senior football memory book (of his own), and his big gift was a new Kenwood Cd/radio for his car. Even Daisy Mae got a new bed, bones, new bowls, and a doggy babydoll. I think we all made out quit well!!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

You all must of been VERY good to get all those wonderful gifts! I love the new retro kitchen! I am sure Bella will love playing with it too!