Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Emily trying peanut butter brittle

The girls watching Mamaw Kay open gifts

Stephanie opening her new comforter & sheet set from us

Kim opening her gag gift and Burberry cologne from us

The Gamble girls with their girls....

I guess we aren't too cool after all...Haha Kim!

Makenzie loves her Mommy

Matthew, Emily, and Stephanie

Emily taking a break with Papaw jeff

Mommy can I have this too or shall I put it back?

On Christmas Eve Mike's Family, my best friend Donna and her kids, and Mom & Jeff come over for dinner. I baked a whole ham, mac & cheese, sausage/sage dressing....and everyone else brought a side dish. We topped off dinner with a yummy ice cream cake from Dairy Queen that has been a tradition since Emily's 1st Christmas.
After some great conversations and good eats...we exchanged gifts with Mike's family and Donna. Even though this was a sad year for Kim and Stephanie with the loss of Jack. We still all enjoyed each other and kept the loved ones that are missed right here in our hearts they always were here every year before. Merry Christmas Papaw Lou and Uncle Jack!!We miss you!!

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