Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day Dinner

Waking up from the car ride happy!

Time for gifts.......

The Snowman needs some love.....

Dakota, Emily, & Sophia

Mamaw and Mommy trying to get in the pick...but we lost Sophia!

Emily loves her Aunt Nikki

Emily slept for about 25 minutes on the ride from one grandparents house to the other. This was the only nap she had all day but she surprisingly seemed to maintain very well........
She was excited to see her other 10 cousins...and another will be born tomorrow (Dakota's new little brother). That will make 5 kids now for my brother David. WOW! Mamaw Cathy made all of the Christmas fixins. Ham, Mac & Cheese, sweet potatoes, pasta salad, baked beans, green beans & potatoes, deviled eggs, and rolls. Of course , several pies and cookies along with lots of appetizers. No wonder she is in the kitchen all day!! Thanks for the great meal!
The kids enjoyed opening their gifts but I must say that over here Emily really just enjoys running around and playing with the kids. She did like her new mega block table, cabbage patch doll, boots, jammies, etc. It is always late when we leave we usually change the kids into the new p.j's that they get so they can get comfy. By this time I have to admit..the adults usually indulge in a cocktail after a long day of fun.............
Merry Christmas Dad & Cathy & Thanks for Everything!!

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