Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas at The Zoo

Checking out one of my all time favorites...the polar bear

Emily's favorite spot....the penguins. She even sat down on the floor to watch for awhile.

Not a bad shot of the Bald eagle.

We attempted a family shot with Emily sitting in the sleigh...didn't happen

Snacktime: chocolate covered pretzel rod, popcorn, and snowman sippie. YUMMY!

Emily riding the Christmas penguin

I did splurge a little...a christmas dancing penguin on sale half price.

It was such a nice day outside today that we decided to head over to Christmas at The Zoo. We had pretty much agreed that we would skip this year because I am such a weenie in the cold. I never expected after Christmas to have this kind of weather. We packed up our kids and headed over to Kim's and motivated her and Stephanie to go..and off we went. I can't even describe how lovely it was to walk around with no coats or jackets on in 64 degree weather looking at lights and animals. We went ahead and purchased a family package plus 2 and hope to go more often in the upcoming year.
Emily like always loved the penguin area the best. She even rode on the penguin on the merry go round. She was pleasantly surprised to see that Santa wasn't in his chair and the reindeer weren't anywhere near the sled. Of course, they have already headed back to The North Pole. It was a fun family that I hope we can have again next year with this kind of weather!!

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