Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bye, Bye, Cyst on My Eye

This is just a "SILLY" post toasting goodbye to that ugly cyst on my eye. I will have out-patient surgery tomorrow at the Carmel Surgery Center. I figured that since we met our family deductible this year having Emily's tube/adenoid surgery it will be paid at 100%'s time for it to go. I have avoided it for 12 years because I didn't want anyone cutting on my eye and it would go away and come back but since my pregnancy it has grown to its largest size ever and stayed that way and honestly I am just too sick of seeing it in pics like this!!! I know it has to look horrible!!
So...Good bye old friend....LOL

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

You are funny Jenny! We will be thinking of you tomorrow!