Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baking for The Cookie Exchange

Emily Checking out the goods.... before I started icing

Can I have One? Don't worry I let her have it instead of putting it back!

Finally....I'm Done

Tonight I baked 8 dozen Lemon Cake Cookies to take to Bella's Christmas playgroup tomorrow. Actually I only needed to bake 7 but my recipe makes two dozen at a time so I ended up with 8. The mom's are having a cookie exchange and the kids are exchanging books. Emily had a blast watching me bake the cookies and yes of course she had a few of ours that were for here. She can't wait to go play at Bella's tomorrow!


The Maines Family Blog said...

Looks yummy can't wait to taste them...mine are still baking!

The Ranek Family said...

They look soooooo yummy!