Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trimming The Tree

Look at all of these ornaments!!

And there is more!!!

Maybe I'll decorate myself....

Still working...

Emily hanging her Backyardigans that Santa left last year

Hey..this Pooh Talks!

This morning after a late night at the big game......we planned to trim the tree. Yesterday the outside was done and Emily and I did the rest of the inside. It usually takes Mike a whole day to do the tree since most of our ornaments are from Hallmark and are all still in the original boxes. He is very picky about the tree...sooo many years ago, I let him have at it!! Matthew was off today and was able to participate like he does every year. Sometimes your never to old for tradition. I really enjoyed watching Emily fall into the tradition with her Dad today too!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

isn't it fun that the girls are excited now... your house looks great!