Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Festivites

Last Sunday, we had my (mom's) side of the family over for our annual Sunday before Thanksgiving feast. It was a nice weather day for frying the turkey outside and the older kids even went to the park across the street for awhile. Nikki and I played with my camera a I am actually in some of my own photos. LOL

It turns out that it was a good thing we had dinner before Thursday since Emily was touched with a virus upon waking on Thanksgiving Day. We actually had fried a 2nd turkey that day for his sister and her daughter along with making a few other small sides. That was a bit of a challenge for me with a sick kid to tend to. She pretty much wasn't interested in anything we made for dinner except the rolls and butter! Her fever did actual spike to 103.6 and then I was getting a little nervous. BUT.....finally after midnight and one more dose of motrin and it broke. We didn't take any pics on Thursday...she just looked pitiful and Kim wouldn't let me take any of her! Ha, Ha!

Smile Emily......

Mike finally inside resting after frying our turkey!

Jason still plays with his food! LOL

Emily and Papaw playing with glasses

Sisterly Love......

Okay..Nikki got me!

The boys look real thrilled....Aaahhh..teenagers!

My sis...holding Makenzie & Emily

Emily trying the pumpkin pie.....but she didn't like it!

Noah on his way out....sporting his new hat! He is getting too BIG!

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