Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Sunday at Forest Park

Nikki & Jason told us on Halloween that the boys wanted to come up North on Sunday and go to Forest Park to check out the skateboarding area. They usually drive up and go to The Monon Center but Forest Park has a nice toddler section next to the skateboarding area. They also have picnic tables, carousel, and putt-putt golf (not open at this time) all in the same location.
We all stopped at Subway and grabbed sandwiches & chips along with packing coolers with drinks and met up around 2:00. Mamaw & Papaw live in they joined us too! It was a beautiful day to spend some family time outside. Everyone had their Colts gear on in preparation for returning home to watch/or go to the game. Luke got his fix on skateboarding, Emily played & played, and the adults actually got to sit and talk! I could take several more of these Sundays!!

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