Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trimming The Tree

Look at all of these ornaments!!

And there is more!!!

Maybe I'll decorate myself....

Still working...

Emily hanging her Backyardigans that Santa left last year

Hey..this Pooh Talks!

This morning after a late night at the big game......we planned to trim the tree. Yesterday the outside was done and Emily and I did the rest of the inside. It usually takes Mike a whole day to do the tree since most of our ornaments are from Hallmark and are all still in the original boxes. He is very picky about the tree...sooo many years ago, I let him have at it!! Matthew was off today and was able to participate like he does every year. Sometimes your never to old for tradition. I really enjoyed watching Emily fall into the tradition with her Dad today too!

Well we lost......

Talk about a bummer........Carmel dominated the whole game until about the last 12 minutes. The final score was 36 to 33. I am afraid the Hounds just gave it away in the end!
On a happier was mine and Emily's first time ever getting to see the Lucas Stadium. It is pitiful that I haven't made it to one of our Colts games yet this year but now I can say I have been there. AND I do still plan to go to a Colts Game before they are over. Emily was great considering we even got there in seats 74 minutes before the game started. We actually sat on the lower level in some of the handicap section since they were empty. It was great for Emily not to be on top of other people and she was able to stand and play freely with the glass in front of us. Of course, we would have moved if someone else needed the seats but that didn't happen. She enjoyed looking at the program with Daddy, eating popcorn & a pretzel (the most she had all day), and standing and cheering for the boys. I also packed a few books and other play things that she had fun with.
I know it was a sad night for our boys and our son personally but it still ended up being an enjoyable family night for us! I am thinking Emily was soooo good maybe she can start going to some Colts games with Daddy. Ha!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Heading Out for The State Championship Game

Well.. Emily still doesn't have much of an appetite but she seems like her normal self. She really wanted to go to one of her brother's games this year and since this is the last one and inside the stadium. ....She is going!! AND is really excited about it!!
All.... I can GO HOUNDS and watch out for Center Grove!!!!Good Luck Boys!!

Holiday Transformation

So..I decided that since Mike and Matthew were outside putting up the Christmas lights and decorations that Emily and I would start digging out the totes and work on the inside transformation from Thanksgiving/Fall to Christmas..........
Emily was having a blast! It was like she was seeing everything for the first time. She was sporting Mike's santa hat, big girl panties, and a holiday tee. LOL
I have collected Holiday Dreamsicles for many years....until they discontinued them. So on Emily's first Christmas we started her Snowbabies Holiday collection. It is her special gift from Mommy and Daddy (not Santa). Of course, she only has 2 right now...but she was adamant that she wanted "hers" on the coffee table! She walked up and touched them carefully off and on all day. I can't wait to go pick out her new one this year. I think she might actually be excited about that gift!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Festivites

Last Sunday, we had my (mom's) side of the family over for our annual Sunday before Thanksgiving feast. It was a nice weather day for frying the turkey outside and the older kids even went to the park across the street for awhile. Nikki and I played with my camera a I am actually in some of my own photos. LOL

It turns out that it was a good thing we had dinner before Thursday since Emily was touched with a virus upon waking on Thanksgiving Day. We actually had fried a 2nd turkey that day for his sister and her daughter along with making a few other small sides. That was a bit of a challenge for me with a sick kid to tend to. She pretty much wasn't interested in anything we made for dinner except the rolls and butter! Her fever did actual spike to 103.6 and then I was getting a little nervous. BUT.....finally after midnight and one more dose of motrin and it broke. We didn't take any pics on Thursday...she just looked pitiful and Kim wouldn't let me take any of her! Ha, Ha!

Smile Emily......

Mike finally inside resting after frying our turkey!

Jason still plays with his food! LOL

Emily and Papaw playing with glasses

Sisterly Love......

Okay..Nikki got me!

The boys look real thrilled....Aaahhh..teenagers!

My sis...holding Makenzie & Emily

Emily trying the pumpkin pie.....but she didn't like it!

Noah on his way out....sporting his new hat! He is getting too BIG!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!!

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!Gobble, Gobble...

The Gamble Family

Mike, Jenny, Matthew, Emily, Daisy Mae, & T.C.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little "Star"

We caught Emily singing a song out of a little board book "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. She was cracking us up. I am not sure if she was trying to sing or read us the book. She was singing it beginning to end until I got the camera. She must have had a little stage fright! Ha, Ha!! I know I say it all the time....but gosh she is getting soooo big! I just had to capture this memory for later!!

p.s You have to click on my photobucket link...not sure what is wrong with blogspot!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dakota's Party Part 2 Pics

Here are some other pics from the party. Sorry I mostly got pics of the kids. It almost looks like the grandparents weren't there........ notice in all but 2 pics..Emily is feeding her face. LOL

Pinata time.......

Now time for gifts.....Wow Tinkerbelle stuff!

My fairy princess!

Dakota with her older 3 brothers and cousin Myles

The girls swarming over a new baby.... Motherly instincts already kicking in!

Emily having cake and taking a break sitting with me!

Cutie pie Sophia!

Olivia holding Emily

We hope you had a Great Day Dakota Lee!!!! We Love you!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Dakota!

Today we headed to Fortville Community Center for my niece Dakota's 2nd Birthday Party. It is always great to get the little ones in the family together since the three girls dont get to see each other that often. Although I am hoping next month when Brandy delivers baby #2....we are going to get to keep Dakota some while she is in the hospital. Sophia & Olivia were also able to come! So all the girls did make it! Emily loves having Olivia carry her around.

Her theme was Tinkerbelle........the girls wore cute wings & tinkerbelle headpieces. The cake was too cute from Wal-mart and even had several fairy rings in it that the girls liked wearing. They had a really great time 'helping" open gifts, coloring, blowing the horns, and getting candy from the pinata. Of course there was plenty of yummy food but my daughter only wanted ice cream, cake, chips, and m & m's! Oh well...she was on her best behavior for not having a nap!

Trendy Chic....

All I can that she looks like such a big girl in these pics. She even insisted on wearing the necklace and boots herself! What a cute Target dress! We are off to Dakota's party..........

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas Gift & Hobby Show

Mike and I go to this every year and always think of it as our kick off to get ready for Christmas shopping. It kinda sets the mood! Sometimes we find something cute and original for someone else......but we always come home with roasted candied almonds and cinnamon popcorn drizzled in white chocolate for ourselves! Yeah...right we really need it!

We did however get our first glimpse of what it is going to be like getting Emily to sit on Santa's lap this year. Did I mention....not a chance! He was set-up just like at the mall with no big line...but she wasn't having no part of it. So...I have my work cut out for me! I am trying to talk her into it so hopefully she will be willing to do it still at the mall this year. All in all it was a nice time even if we didn't get a pic with Santa.