Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Finally Got to go to the Zoo Today!!

Emily and I have been waiting all Summer to go to the Zoo. We really wanted Daddy to be a part of it but he hates going on the weekends. So finally......we were able to get a day thru the week when we were both available to go. I have to say it was a BEAUTIFUL day for it.
You can tell a huge difference in Emily's age this year with her recognition of the animals. She feed the giraffes (several times getting back in line..I bet she spent $6.00 feeding them), liked watching "US" pet the sharks, watched the dolphin show, helped Daddy feed the lorikeets, and even rode the carousel, and cooled off in the sprinkler area after lunch. Her favorite thing was watching the penguins. We had to go back to see them on the way out and visit the gift shop and buy one to take home. It's funny because the penguins were always Matthew's favorite at the Zoo when he was little. Go Figure!
She got many compliments on her giraffe print outfit from Baby Gap, but if you can tell in the one pic of her and Mike..the giraffes look like they want to either eat them or they think she is their baby. LOL

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