Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Emily's New Cottage

Over the weekend, Mike went over to my Dad's and picked up what is going to be Emily's Cottage/Playhouse for the backyard. My dad bought this lastyear at one of the Carmel Goodwill's for $25.00. He has decided that since the 3 younger girls are really not over enough to get good use out of it that it would be nice for Emily to have to play with her friends that come over. Well...Emily promises Papaw Mike to use it often and share it with her friends! Thanks a bunch!

Here are some pics of the girls on the day they came over to see it for the very first time. They were too excited. Fallyn kept saying..."Cool Castle Miss Jenny"........

It has a fireplace inside and small kitchen sink. A clock and telephone on the wall, and cute sitting area outside another window!


The Ranek Family said...

Fallyn kept talking about the Cool castle too! I think this one is a BIG hit:)

Anonymous said...

$25?????? I'M JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) Looks like fun! Glad your kiddos are enjoying it before the weather changes!