Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Daisy Mae Turns 5!!!!!!

It's hard for me to believe that my cute little hard headed puppy...is now 5 years old!! Her Birthday was actually Monday but I had Bella, so we celebrated today.
Mike dropped Daisy Mae off at the dog spa for a groom on his way to work while Emily and I went to Three Dogs Bakery to get her a pupcake and then to The Flying Cupcake to get 4 for the rest of us. Of course while we were in Three Dogs Bakery Emily found a cute piggy animal and purple bone pillow to give Daisy and I had to splurge and pick her out a new Bella Bean collar. It is soooo cute (pink with mushrooms on it)! She deserves this special day. She was queen bee around here before Emily came along and I feel she still needs to know that she is still my babygirl too! Not to mention...Emily was totally excited about Daisy Mae having a Birthday and lets not forget that Birthdays have cake. LOL
Daisy Mae is great with Emily and the other kids that she is around. I feel truly blessed that we have such a great family dog. Even though she made me wonder what I got myself into during her puppy years!! She has come a long way since then. Still hard headed and strong willed but very loving and patient and has adapted well to our staying at home and not going to work everyday anymore.

Happy Birthday Daisy Mae...you are a special part of our family! We Love You!!!!
p.s. If you have never tried The Flying Cupcake...you must! I liked the butter nut rum pecan, Mike liked the red velvet Elvis, and the kids liked what they had.........

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

ummmm flying cupcakes!
hope you guys liked them!
happy b-day daisy mae